9: night out - we went to play pool with friends and decided to take some night photos on the roof of the building. Coolest thing I found in that place is a vintage scale.

10: Finally went to camp in North Shore, in our car which has a name 'Blitz' (thunder in German). We live in South Shore where the sky isn't so clear like in North Shore. Was fantasied by endless stars and milk ways and practiced the night shootings. Here my most favorite night shooting from North Shore:

11: in the early morning before surf session for Trey.

12: Had a meeting in Downtown. Went to Fresh Cafe and had a tea and love their cool font lightings. There are two Fresh Cafes in Honolulu, one on Queen Street and another one in Downtown. They are coolest cafes in town!

13: Some shooting from our home: the desk lamp bought from Target, the mustache man from Danish Furniture Store Bolia and an original polarid photo of my parents.

14: Wednesday Babysitting, Lionel brought his Play-Doh and I decided to made the number fourteen.

15: At an office in Downtown.

16: After work explored Downtown a little. Have more photos, will share a post in next days. Stay tuned!

17: Was sick but Trey didn't wanna see me on couch all day, he took me to Hawaii's Bike Festival and I was so exciting to see cool bikes and the tracks! Met Shayna and she let me to ride her 24" BMX. Considering to join bmx sessions.

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